In today’s digital environment, search engine optimization (SEO) is a vital component of any content development strategy. Understanding how to make your content SEO friendly is critical for reaching your target audience and developing your online presence, whether you’re writing a blog post, creating a video, or designing a website.

Writing outstanding content that engages and informs your readers while also optimising it for search engines is the process of developing an SEO-friendly article. A well-written, search-engine-optimized post can assist increase the visibility of your website, drive more traffic, and ultimately increase your company’s bottom line. It is, however, It’s critical to strike a balance between creating content optimised for search engines and content that resound with your target audience. To do so, you must first understand your intended audience, then conduct keyword research and use efficient SEO methods on your content.

If you want to increase the visibility and reach of your content, you need to ensure that it’s SEO friendly. In this article, we’ll provide you Information about “How to make an Article SEO Friendly?” .By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to improve your website’s search engine rankings, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately reach a wider audience. So, let’s get started!


What is SEO?


SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is made up of two words:

(Search Engine) and (Optimisation)

Search Engine: A software system that is designed to carry out web searches.

Optimisation: Using something perfectly.

It is the process of optimizing a website to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs) with the aim of increasing organic traffic to the website. To understand a website’s content and its relevance to users’ search queries, search engines use a number of techniques and practices called SEO.

What is an SEO friendly Article?

An post that has been prepared in accordance with SEO best practices can be easily understood by search engines. In short, SEO-friendly contents are ones that both users and search engines can understand.

It has a catchy headline, informative subheadings, and easy-to-read content that keeps the reader engaged. It’s formatted with the proper use of keywords, Meta tags, and other on-page optimization techniques to make it easily accessible to search engines.

Publishing SEO-friendly articles will improve your website’s organic search ranking. If your article appears near the top of search results, it has a better chance of attracting more traffic.

Why Does an Article SEO Friendly Matter?

An SEO-friendly article is important because it is the key to unlocking the potential of your content and reaching a larger internet audience. When your article is SEO-friendly, it is more likely to appear at the top of search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords and phrases, thereby increasing its visibility and reach. An SEO-friendly article is optimized not only for search engines but also for human readers, resulting in a better user experience and increased engagement and interaction from your audience. You can improve your website’s search engine rankings and attract more visitors by writing SEO-friendly articles.

How to make an Article SEO Friendly?

The first step in creating SEO-friendly articles is to conduct relevant keyword research. Relevant Keyword research is carried out to identify the most appropriate and accurate keywords for your business niche. The right keywords will increase the amount of traffic to your website.

1-Do relevant Keyword Research:

Here are some key points to keep in mind when conducting keyword research:

  • Choose primary keywords: Choosing primary keywords is an essential step in search engine optimization. It entails choosing the most relevant keywords that accurately describe the content of your article and correspond to the intent of the user’s search query.
  • Define the main keyword and its variants: The major term you are targeting for a certain piece of content is the main keyword. It is the most crucial term because it accurately captures the article’s content and matches the searcher’s intent. For example, some keyword variants for “digital marketing” include “online marketing,” “digital advertising,” “internet marketing,” “social media marketing,” and “web marketing.” You may improve your exposure for a wider range of search queries and increase traffic to your website by adding these variations into your content.
  • Use Long-tail keywords: Consider using long-tail keywords, which are more specific and targeted. These keywords can be easier to rank for and can attract highly engaged and qualified traffic.
  • Controlling Keyword Density: Controlling keyword density is an important aspect of optimizing your article for search engines. The term “keyword density” describes how frequently a word or phrase appears in an article in relation to the overall number of words. Overusing keywords, or “keyword stuffing,” can hurt your SEO efforts and degrade the user experience. Aim for a keyword density of 13% for your main term to keep it under control.

Understanding user search intent is an important aspect of creating SEO-friendly content. The reason for conducting a specific search query is referred to as search intent. Understanding user search intent allows you to create content that is relevant to what users are looking for and optimize your content accordingly.

search intent

There are four types of search intent:

  • Informational intent: It refers to the reason why a user conducts a search query to obtain information about a particular topic or question. Users with informational intent are looking for answers to questions, general knowledge, or research about a topic. For example, a user searching for “how to make pizza dough” has informational intent. They are seeking information about a particular topic and want to learn how to make pizza dough.
  • Navigational intent: It refers to the reason why a user conducts a search query to find a specific website or webpage. Users with navigational intent already have a specific website or webpage in mind and are looking for an easy way to access it. For example, when they want to open the official website page of foodntravelstories without having to manually type the URL in the search box, they use the query “foodntravelstories.”
  • Transactional intent: It refers to the reason why a user conducts a search query in order to purchase a product or service. Users with transactional intent are looking for a direct way to make a purchase, sign up for a service, or take another action related to a purchase. For example, a user searching for “buy running shoes” has transactional intent. They are trying to identify a website or store where they can buy a specific goods.
  • Commercial intent: The final search intent is a commercial intent, which is a search made by users seeking options prior to making a purchase. Internet users can input searches for product recommendations, reviews, or product comparisons. For example, a user searching for “best laptop for video editing” has commercial intent.

3-Structure your content and make it Readable:

You must organize the structure of the article to make it more SEO friendly. A good article structure will make it easier for readers to find the information they are looking for. Furthermore, a clear article structure can help search engine crawlers understand your content better.

A simple example of an article structure usually consists of the following sections:

structure of the article
  • Introduction:  

The introduction, or opening paragraph, comes first. You must include keywords and the article summary in this area so that both users and search engines can understand what the article will cover. Use a hook sentence to draw the reader into reading the rest of this paragraph.

  • Paragraph:

The paragraph introduces the topic using an article structure. To increase the article’s SEO, you should utilize no more than three to four sentences in each paragraph. Also, it makes it simpler for readers to mean the explanation, locate the data, and identify the necessary keywords.

  • Headings:

Headings are used to divide your content into sections and to assist readers in navigating your article. They are also essential for making your article SEO-friendly, as search engines rely on them to understand the structure and organization of your content. When using headings, it’s important to follow a hierarchical structure with header tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.). The H1 tag should be used for the main title of your article, and subsequent subheadings should use H2, H3, and so on. This hierarchy helps search engines understand which headings are most important and how they relate to each other.

  • Closing:

The closing paragraph or statement is the final component of the article structure. It usually contains a summary or conclusion of the main topic discussed in the article. You can also include persuasive sentences in this section to promote your products or services that are relevant to the article’s discussion.

4-Determine Article length:

The appropriate article length is determined by several factors, including the topic of the article, the level of detail required, and the preferences of the audience.

For some topics, a 500-700-word article may be sufficient to provide a basic overview or answer a simple question. Other topics may necessitate a longer, more detailed article of 1500-2000 words or more to provide in-depth analysis or to thoroughly cover a complex topic.

When determining article length, keep the audience’s preferences in mind. A shorter article, for example, may be more effective if it is intended for a busy audience with a short attention span. A longer article may be appropriate if the audience is highly engaged and seeking in-depth information.

5-Include Image Alt Text:

Image alt text is an important part of SEO-optimized article optimization. Alt text is a brief text description that provides information about the content of an image. It is also known as “alt attributes” or “alt descriptions.”

Alt text serves two primary functions. For starters, it provides context to visually impaired web users who use screen readers. Because screen readers cannot “see” images, alt text describes the content of the image. Second, alt text informs search engines about the image’s content and its relevance to the article’s topic.

use alt text

6-Keyword Distribution Strategy:

A keyword placement strategy, in addition to keyword research, is another way to write SEO-friendly articles. By knowing where to place your keywords, you should be able to produce high-quality articles that perform better in organic search.

In addition to using target keywords in the content, here are the 7 best positions for keyword placement to create SEO-friendly articles:

keyword distribution

7-Keep content fresh & up-to-date:

Keeping content fresh and up to date is an important aspect of SEO article optimization. To keep content fresh and up-to-date regularly review and update articles to ensure that the information presented is still accurate and relevant. This can involve adding new information or removing outdated information. It’s also important to keep the writing style and tone up-to-date to reflect current trends and industry developments.

One effective way to keep content fresh is to add new sections or subsections to existing articles. This can increase the article’s overall length and significance while also giving readers new and helpful information. Also, updating the multimedia content with fresh components like infographics or videos may maintain it aesthetically appealing and engaging.

8-Use short URLs:    

Using short URLs is a simple yet effective way to optimize an article for SEO. Short URLs are easier to read and remember, making them more user-friendly and shareable on social media platforms.

To create short URLs, use a URL shortening service such as Bitly or TinyURL. These services can reduce the length of a URL while still directing users to the correct page.

9-Optimize Meta description:

Optimizing the Meta description is an important aspect of optimizing an article for SEO. The Meta description is the short snippet of text that appears below the article title in search engine results pages. It provides a brief description of the article’s content and is an opportunity to attract potential readers and improve click-through rates.

One effective technique for optimizing the Meta description is to use action-oriented language that encourages users to click on the link. This can include using verbs such as “learn,” “discover,” or “find out” to create a sense of urgency and excitement.

Including both internal and external links is an important aspect of optimizing an article for SEO. Internal links refer to links that point to other pages within the same website, while external links point to pages on other websites.

Internal links can help improve a website’s structure and organization, making it easier for users and search engines to navigate. Internal links also help to distribute link authority throughout the website, which improves each page’s overall ranking potential.

On the other hand, external links might offer readers more resources and information, enhancing the article’s total worth and legitimacy. Moreover, linking to authoritative websites helps raise the website’s authority and ranking potential.

When including internal and external links, use relevant and descriptive anchor text. This can help improve the linked page’s relevance to the article’s topic and provide readers with additional context and information.

It is also critical to ensure that links are working properly and directing users to the correct page. Broken links can degrade the user experience and harm the website’s overall ranking potential.


Finally, creating an article SEO friendly require a complete approach that considers a variety of aspects such as keyword research, content quality, and on-page optimisation tactics. Controlling keyword density, providing picture alt text, and utilising short URLs are all efficient strategies to optimise a post for SEO. In addition, integrating internal and external links, optimising the Meta description, and keeping information fresh and up to date are critical aspects in increasing the article’s ranking potential and user experience. An post can be made SEO friendly, attract more readers, and bring more traffic to the website by following certain best practises.